
Saturday, 22 June 2013


How to Send HTML and Plain Text Emails in PHP

We can send HTML emails through PHP,  But the major issue we need to take care is some of the mail clients doesn't support HTML mails, some times they display our  HTML message as HTML coding instead of design, to solve from the issue we need to add a text version of the message along with our email.

In the below code, I added both HTML and plain text message formats, if the client's Mail client is not supported HTML Emails, it automatically displays the plain text version, Normally major mail clients supports HTML message, but some others not.

HTML Code (FORM) - contact.html

 <form method="post" name="frmCheckout"  action="post.php">

<div class="quotecontact2">
<input name="nname" class="cform" id="nname"  size="37">

<div >Email Address</div>
<input name="email" class="cform" id="email"  size="37">


<div >
<input name="mphone" class="cform" id="mphone" size="37"> 
<input name="nationality" class="cform" id="nationality" size="37">

<div>Intrested Services</div>


<input name="webdesign" id="webdesign" type="checkbox" class="fpr" value="Web Design" />
<span class="cform0" >Web designing</span>
<input name="webhost" id="webhost" type="checkbox" class="fpr" value="Web Hosting" />
<span class="cform0">Webhosting</span></div>

<input name="seo" id="seo" type="checkbox" class="fpr" value="SEO" />
<span class="cform0">SEO</span>

<input name="blog" id="blog" type="checkbox" class="fpr" value="Blog" />
<span class="cform0">Blog</span>


<textarea name="msg" cols="40" rows="6" class="cform1" id="msg"></textarea>

<input name="submit" type="submit"  value="Submit">
<input name="RESET" type="reset" id="RESET">


PHP Code  - Post.php

//Posting Input values

//Posting Check box values
$webdesign = $_POST[webdesign];
$webhost = $_POST[webhost];
$seo = $_POST[seo];
$blog = $_POST[blog];

//Posting Messagebox values

$mime_boundary = "Tom's Cyber Explorations | |".md5(time());
# -=-=-=- MAIL HEADERS
$to = ""; // Your email address must be added here
$subject = "Enquiry";
$headers = "From: ".$HTTP_POST_VARS['name'];
$headers .= "Reply-To".$_POST['email'];
$headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
$headers .= "Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=\"$mime_boundary\"\r\n";
$headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n\n";

// Starting Plain text message
$message .= "--{$mime_boundary}\r\n";
$message .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n";
$message .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n\n";

$message .="Name = $nname | Email Address - $email | My Phone number  - $mphone | Country - $nationality | Interested Services - $webdesign , $webhost , $seo, $blog | Message - $msg "; // Message Body

$message .= "--{$mime_boundary}--\r\n";
// Ending Plain text message

// Starting HTML message
$message .= "--{$mime_boundary}\r\n";
$message .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\n";
$message .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n\n";

$message .= "<html>\n";
$message .= "<body style=\"font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:14px; color:#006393;\">\n";

$message .= "<table width=\"800\" height=\"159\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" >";
$message .="<tr>";
$message .="<td height=\"66\" colspan=\"4\" bgcolor=\"#002953\"></td>";
$message .="</tr>";
$message .="<tr>";
$message .="<td width=\"1%\"></td>";
$message .="<td colspan=\"3\">&nbsp;</td>";
$message .="</tr>";

$message .="<tr>";
$message .="<td>&nbsp;</td>";
$message .="<td></td>";
$message .="<td>:</td>";
$message .="<td></td>";
$message .="</tr>";

$message .="<tr>";
$message .="<td>&nbsp;</td>";
$message .="<td width=\"200\"><b>Name</b></td>";
$message .="<td align=\"left\" >:</td>";
$message .="<td>$nname</td>";
$message .="</tr>";

$message .="<tr>";
$message .="<td>&nbsp;</td>";
$message .="<td></td>";
$message .="<td>:</td>";
$message .="<td></td>";
$message .="</tr>";

$message .="<tr>";
$message .="<td>&nbsp;</td>";
$message .="<td><b>Email</b></td>";
$message .="<td>:</td>";
$message .="<td>$email</td>";
$message .="</tr>";

$message .="<tr>";
$message .="<td>&nbsp;</td>";
$message .="<td></td>";
$message .="<td>:</td>";
$message .="<td></td>";
$message .="</tr>";

$message .="<tr>";
$message .="<td>&nbsp;</td>";
$message .="<td><b>Phone</b></td>";
$message .="<td>:</td>";
$message .="<td>$mphone</td>";
$message .="</tr>";

$message .="<tr>";
$message .="<td>&nbsp;</td>";
$message .="<td></td>";
$message .="<td>:</td>";
$message .="<td></td>";
$message .="</tr>";

$message .="<tr>";
$message .="<td>&nbsp;</td>";
$message .="<td><b>Country</b></td>";
$message .="<td>:</td>";
$message .="<td>$nationality</td>";
$message .="</tr>";

$message .="<tr>";
$message .="<td>&nbsp;</td>";
$message .="<td></td>";
$message .="<td>:</td>";
$message .="<td></td>";
$message .="</tr>";

$message .="<tr>";
$message .="<td>&nbsp;</td>";
$message .="<td><b>Interested Services</b></td>";
$message .="<td>:</td>";
$message .="<td>$webdesign</td>";
$message .="</tr>";

$message .="<tr>";
$message .="<td>&nbsp;</td>";
$message .="<td><b></b></td>";
$message .="<td></td>";
$message .="<td>$webhost</td>";
$message .="</tr>";

$message .="<tr>";
$message .="<td>&nbsp;</td>";
$message .="<td><b></b></td>";
$message .="<td></td>";
$message .="<td>$seo</td>";
$message .="</tr>";

$message .="<tr>";
$message .="<td>&nbsp;</td>";
$message .="<td><b></b></td>";
$message .="<td></td>";
$message .="<td>$blog</td>";
$message .="</tr>";

$message .="<tr>";
$message .="<td>&nbsp;</td>";
$message .="<td></td>";
$message .="<td>:</td>";
$message .="<td></td>";
$message .="</tr>";

$message .="<tr>";
$message .="<td>&nbsp;</td>";
$message .="<td><b>Message</b></td>";
$message .="<td>:</td>";
$message .="<td>$msg</td>";
$message .="</tr>";

$message .="<tr>";
$message .="<td>&nbsp;</td>";
$message .="<td></td>";
$message .="<td>:</td>";
$message .="<td></td>";
$message .="</tr>";

$message .="<tr>";
$message .="<td height=\"21\" colspan=\"4\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\"></td>";
$message .="</tr>";
$message .="</table>";
$message .= "</body>\n";
$message .= "</html>";
$message .= "--{$mime_boundary}--\r\n";
// Ending HTML message
$message .= preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r)/", "\n", $message);
# -=-=-=- SEND MAIL
$mail_sent = @mail( $to, $subject, $message, $headers );
//echo $mail_sent ? "Mail sent" : "Mail failed";
echo "&radic; Hi<strong>".'&nbsp;'.$HTTP_POST_VARS['nname'].'&nbsp;'."</strong> your message has been sent<BR><button onclick='history.go(-1);'>Back </button>

echo "Opps your message has been not sent";

Thursday, 6 June 2013


Protect Yourself from Vulnerable Threats

If we are driving a car we should know and strictly follow  the traffic rules of that driving environment. Likewise i would like to recommend you that, understand the cyber laws before start surfing the internet, you can use the search term "cyber law" in Google will give you the fine results about it. 
Cyber world is a complex network consists of fine and nasty things,  its our choice to go with good or bad. If we are going with fine and good things we have better opportunity to develop ourselves by using internet. While you are surfing internet you think nobody is seeing the actions you are doing in internet, yes in your room may be you are the only person there and nobody is surrounded there for  watching you, but when you connected to internet there a lot of eyes watching your movements (not watching every time, but they can watch). If you are a continues user in internet keep in mind that the ISP can get all the details of website we are surfing and ISP can identify who we are,  but ISP will not point the movements of a particular user you or me, with out any legal issues. These all facilities are not forbidding our freedom to surf webpages, but in common sense, we can say internet is not for cheating, and threatening others, but for research, trade, education and establishing good relation ships among the outside world.  Otherwise doing nasty things like hacking , sending malicious codes, unauthorized access of data, posting contents supporting terrorism and pornography, IPR(intellectual property infringement) violations, Credit card Fraud and more will treat as a serious offense.

"My computer is attacked by virus". It is a statement some what related to "My House is attacked by robbers" . Think , if our home is attacked by thieves, it is because of our irresponsibility to certain extent.  Like wise, if our computer is attacked by viruses it is due to the negligence of its administrator to a certain level. Following are the steps we consider to protect our system from malicious threats.
  1. Use only the licensed version of application software, if we are using licensed version of software, the particular software vendor have the responsibility to protect our system from threats happening from their application.
  2. Use a good antivirus software. (updating anti virus is a good idea, but in certain cases some updates may break data libraries of our operating system will leads to software crash.
  3. Next we need to consider an important thing that is ,use only a good search engine to find our needs, some of the websites available in search engines have dangerous malicious codes not only attack and harm our computer , but also capture our authorization details stored in our computer, frankly speaking the username and password of our email accounts, ftp accounts, even bank accounts also. Be safe, In my point of view using a well known search engine as our search provider will reduce the weight of issue,  because they provide a facility of warning message for the websites having malicious codes that hacks our system, we can see a warning message in search result some thing like "This site may harm your computer" or something like that,  clicking on that link may affect viruses on our system and the accurate solution to resolve  from that dangerous risk is replacing the operating system(formatting) and scan other hard drives  with a good anti virus software. 
  4. Another agent for transferring virus between computers are pen drives (flash drives), Flash drive is not a subject related to cyber world or internet, but for the information of readers iam explaining it.  Viruses from pen drives doesn't  catch directly, but when we connect pen drive in our system, if auto play option in our operating system is turned on, it might be a higher risk that the system must be attacked by viruses, because if connected pen drive have viruses it will create a auto play text file in pen drive will run the viruses instantly when we connect the flash drive in our system. We can turn off auto play option of our system by
    Start -> programs -> Accessories -> command prompt  and type
    gpedit.msc will display a small window, Select Administrative Templates ->system -> turnoff auto play -> enabled ->Turnoff Auto play on -> All drives -> click apply -> ok. It will turn off the auto play option of pen drive but risk for affecting viruses are still there. Scanning the USB drive using a good anti-virus application will kill the infected files and it is secure to open.     

  Protect our Email From unauthorized access

Here in this subject we don't want to do anything additionally, because email providers are providing their own security levels, but we must consider certain factors, 

First thing we must consider is before entering the user name and password in the input box, check the URL you entered is correct or not in address bar( address bar is the area where you put the domain name, on top of browser), hackers may do phishing by designing a same webpage like our email service provider and host it in different domain name, sometimes some people may put their user name and password their and clicking submit button will receive our username and password to the hacker.    

Another issue is hackers can access our email by using cookies stored in our computer, as these cookie will stole from the victims computer(cache memory of browser) and access email accounts through that cookies, once we login to our email, we started a new session, the part of that session is stored in the cache memory of our browser, hijacking or stealing that session from our browser and accessing our email accounts is some what related to session hijacking. To protect our email from session hijacking, the user must logout or signout their email account after the use, signout and logout option closes the session we opened. 

 It is an important step but some times we forget to LOGOUT or SIGNOUT our email account, instead of doing logout or signout,  we may click the close button in browser, it is one of the worst idea and it  will not close your session opened for accessing the mail,   and your email can be accessed by next user of same computer by typing the same domain, some times it will automatically redirect to previous visited email account.

Additionally beware of fraud mails, which is commonly received in the SPAM box , in my point of view opening and reading spam messages will not cause any problem, but accessing or clicking links available there and downloading attachments will affect malicious threats to your computer and clicking links available on spam messages will catch passwords directly or indirectly

Another thing we need to consider is we must change the password of our email account at least once in a month , because  there are lot of applications available for generation passwords through mixed characters.

Moreover it would be nice if we clear the cache memory of our browser once in a week,  but clearing cache memory in daily will increases the bandwidth usage of our internet service data pack, because browser caching is the process of storing some part of a website we visiting , while we again  visit the same website the browser will not reload the website fully, it will load the partial content only from the remote server because some part of website is already cached in our browser while we visited the same website before, that how caching produces the results faster and reduces the bandwidth usage of Internet data pack.